Sinova International

Coriander seeds

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Coriander seeds


The name Coriandrum, used by Pliny, derived from the Greek word for a bug, referring to the fetid, bug-like odor given off by the fresh plant when bruised. Coriander seeds commonly known as Dhana in Indian household.

Product name Neem Powder
Origin India
Purity 100%

Coriander has immense medicinal properties and its fruit is used as a condiment, in curries, in some alcoholic beverages, and as a remedy for flatulence. We export high quality and natural coriander seeds.


A much grown plant in India, Coriandrum is a common ingredient in Indian cooking, with young plant (green shoots and leaves) used for flavoring and garnishing curries and soups and the seeds (raw or roasted) used as condiments in curry powders and seasonings.

  • May help lower blood sugar.
  • Rich in immune-boosting antioxidants.
  • May benefit heart health.
  • May protect brain health.
  • May promote digestion and gut health.
  • May fight infections.
  • May protect your skin.
  • Easy to add to your diet.
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